Section: Application Domains


The research topics of the VR4i team are related to applications of the industrial, training and education domains.

The applications to the industrial domain are very promising. For instance, the PSA Automotive Design Network, which is a new design center, groups all the tools used for automotive design, from classical CAD systems to Virtual Reality applications. The coupling of virtual reality and simulation algorithms is a key point and is the core of VR4i simulation activities. Major issues in which industrials are strongly involved are focussing on collaborative tasks between multiple users in digital mockups (FUI EMOA  8.1.1 ) and for scientific visualization (ANR Part@ge and ANR Collaviz  8.1.3 ), tackling the challenging problem of training in Virtual Reality by providing interactive scenario languages with realists actions and reactions within the environment (GVT Project, ANR Corvette  8.1.4 and FUI SIFORAS  8.1.2 ). In this context, we are tackling the problem of using Virtual Reality environments for improving the ergonomics of workstations. Collaborative work is now a hot issue for facing the question of sharing expertise of distant experts for project review, for collaborative design or for analysis of data resulting from scientific computations (FP7-Infra VISIONAIR project  8.2.1 ) where we propose new software architectures ensuring the data distribution and the synchronization of the users (Figure 1 ).

Figure 1. Collaboration between VR4i team in Immersia Room  6.4 and UCL on shared analysis of earthquake simulation within VISIONAIR project  8.2.1